CloudIntelligence 2021
Sat 29 May 2021
co-located with ICSE 2021
Georg Link

Registered user since Wed 10 Feb 2021

Name:Georg Link

Georg Link is an Open Source Strategist. Georg’s mission is to help open source projects, communities, and companies become more professional in their use of metrics and analytics. Georg cofounded the Linux Foundation CHAOSS Project to advance analytics and metrics for open source project health. Georg has 15 years of experience as an active contributor to several open source projects and has presented on open source topics at 20+ conferences. As the Director of Sales at Bitergia, Georg helps organizations and communities obtain professional metrics and analytics to solve their business needs effectively and efficiently. In his spare time, Georg enjoys reading fiction and hot air ballooning.

Country:United States
Personal website:
Research interests:Open Source Community Health Metrics


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