Registered user since Wed 23 Dec 2020
I am a Lecturer at the School of Computing Technologies at RMIT University. I graduated from Universidad Tecnologica Nacional (UTN) as an Information Systems Engineer, where I also received her PhD, with the maximum qualification. I am Associate Editor for rOpenSci.
From 2013 to early 2019, I held a PhD scholarship and a Postdoc position at INGAR CONICET-UTN under Prof. Aldo Vecchietti. During 2018, I was an Assistant Lecturer at Universidad Tecnologica Nacional (UTN), in Santa Fe (Argentina), at the Department of Information Systems Engineering. On the same year, I funded R-Ladies Santa Fe.
My research interests are focused on empirical Software Engineering, requirements engineering and agile methodologies. I enjoy working on interdisciplinary teams and applying dynamic approaches to teaching.
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