Registered user since Wed 6 Jan 2021
Name:Valentina Piantadosi
Valentina Piantadosi was born in Isernia (Italy) on November 1st, 1993. She received (magna cum laude) a Master’s Degree in Software System Security from the University of Molise (Italy) in 2018 defending a thesis on Software Reliability and Testing, advided by Prof. Rocco Oliveto. She received a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from the University of Molise in 2016 defending a thesis on Software Refactoring, advised by Prof. Rocco Oliveto. She is currently a Ph.D. Student at the Department of Bioscences and Territory of University of Molise, advised by Prof. Rocco Oliveto.
Affiliation:University of Molise
Personal website: https://valpia93.github.io
X (Twitter): https://x.com/valpia93
GitHub: https://github.com/valpia93
Research interests:Machine Learning, Mining Software Repositories, Vulnerability Detection, Software Maintenance, Software Testing
Mining Software Repositories
ICSE 2021-profile
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