Agostino Cortesi

Registered user since Tue 15 Sep 2015

Name:Agostino Cortesi

Agostino Cortesi received a PhD degree in Applied Mathematics and Informatics at the University of Padova, Italy, in 1992. After spending a post-doc at Brown University, in the US, he joined the Ca’Foscari University of Venice. Since 2002, he’s full professor of Computer Science. In recent past, he served as Dean of the Computer Science programme, as Department Chair, and as Vice-Rector of Ca’ Foscari University for quality assessment and institutional affairs. His main research interests concern programming languages theory, software engineering, and static analysis techniques, with particular emphasis on security applications. He published more than 150 papers in high level international journals and proceedings of international conferences. His h-index is 22 according to Scopus, and 31 according to Google Scholar. Agostino served several times as member (or chair) of program committees of international conferences (e.g., SAS, VMCAI, CSF, CISIM, ACM SAC) and he’s in the editorial boards of the journals “Computer Languages, Systems and Structures” and “Journal of Universal Computer Science”. Currently, he holds the chairs of “Software Engineering” and “Program Analysis and Verification” in the Computer Science programme at Ca’ Foscari, and the chair on “Computer Networks and Information Systems” in the Business Administration programme.

Affiliation:Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Research interests:Static Analysis, Abstract Interpretation, Security, Data Bases
