/ Akihiro Hayashi

Registered user since Mon 11 Apr 2016
Name:Akihiro Hayashi
Dr. Hayashi is a Senior Research Scientist at Georgia Tech with over 15 years of experience in programming models, compilers, and runtime systems. He has been instrumental as key personnel in externally sponsored projects funded by BAH, IARPA, IBM, ORNL, SNL, and others. Additionally, he has served on the OC, PC, and ERC for various conferences, including ASPLOS, IPDPS, ISCA, PPoPP, and others. He has been honored with several awards, including the Best SCALE Challenge Award at CCGRID ’23 and ’24 and the 2024 Outstanding Research Scientist Award from Georgia Tech’s College of Computing.
Country:United States
Affiliation:Georgia Institute of Technology
Personal website:
Research interests:Parallel Computing, Compilers, Machine Learning
Vivek Sarkar Festschrift Symposium
- Author of Intrepydd: Toward Performance, Productivity, and Portability for Massive Heterogeneous Parallelism within the VIVEKFEST 2024-track
- Author of Enabling User-level Asynchronous Tasking in the FA-BSP Model - Case Study: Distributed Triangle Counting within the VIVEKFEST 2024-track
- Author of On the Cloud We Can’t Wait: Asynchronous Actors Perform Even Better on the Cloud within the VIVEKFEST 2024-track