/ Alastair Reid

Registered user since Thu 16 Jan 2020
Name:Alastair Reid
Researcher at Intel 2021-present
- Formal ISA specifications
- Model checking processor pipelines
Researcher at Google 2019-2021
- Rust verification tools
Researcher at Arm Ltd (UK) 2004-2019
- Formal ISA specifications (newest)
- Model checking processor pipelines
- Wide SIMD instruction set
- Pipeline parallelism
- Software defined radio
- Vectorising compilers (oldest)
Researcher at University of Utah (USA), 1998-2004
- Component based / Library operating systems
Researcher at Yale University (USA), 1994-1998
- Haskell foreign function interface
- Functional Reactive Programming
- Visual Tracking in Haskell
- Haskell library/compiler development
- Haskell committee
Researcher at University of Glasgow (UK), 1988-1994
- Formal specification and verification
- GHC foreign function interface
- Ph.D. Glasgow University, “Defining interfaces between hardware and software: Quality and performance”
- M.Sc. Glasgow University, “A precise semantics for Ultraloose Specifications”
- B.Sc. University of Strathclyde.
Country:United Kingdom
Affiliation:Intel/Intel Labs
Personal website:
Research interests:formal verification, security, functional languages, computer architecture