Alicia JW Takaoka

Registered user since Wed 12 Apr 2023

Name:Alicia JW Takaoka

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in AI-Convegence AIDD: Centre for Energy System Intelligence (CESI). In CESI, I focus on meaningful partnerships, collaborations, and inclusion using design science. My past research cases use a gender-forward intersectional perspective to examine software engineering and 1. research methods, 2. the Gender- Climate Change-ICT Nexus, and 3. the intersections of marginalization, mental health, and computing education. My mission is create inclusive spaces to improve diversity in the digital landscape, and my vision is to prioritize AI ethics and inclusive HCI by amplifying marginalized voices, indigenous knowledge, and the experiences of marginalized individuals by improving participatory design processes, data driven decision making, and data literacy competencies.

Affiliation:Erasmus University Rotterdam
Research interests:informatics, gender, climate change, mental health, deep learning
