Registered user since Mon 16 Nov 2020
Dr. Aman Yadav is a Lappan-Phillips Professor of Computing Education in the College of Education and College of Natural Science at Michigan State University with extensive experience in research, evaluation, and teacher professional development. His areas of expertise include computer science education, problem-based learning, and online learning. His research and teaching focus on improving student experiences and outcomes in computer science and engineering at the K-16 level. His recently co-edited book, Computational Thinking in Education: A Pedagogical Perspective tackles how to integrate computational thinking, coding, and subject matter in relevant and meaningful ways. His work has been published in several leading journals, including ACM Transactions on Computing Education, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Journal of Engineering Education, and Communications of the ACM.
- Author of K12 Computer Science Teachers’ Attitudes Toward a Foundational Assumption of Ethnocomputing within the Papers-track
- Author of Nudging the Field Towards Justice-Oriented Goals: Committing to CS Education within the Posters-track
- Author of Design Principles for CT Integrated Lesson Design and Implementation within the Posters-track
- Author of The Role of National Identity and National Cultures in K-12 Computer Science Education within the Lightning Talks-track
- Author of Engaging K12 Computer Science Students in Critical Examination of Technology, Justice, Ethics, and Society within the Panels-track
- Author of Championing Computer Science in the Early Elementary Grades within the Panels-track
- Author of Re-making CS Departments for Generation CS within the Panels-track
- Author of Equitable Professional Learning for K12 Computer Science Teachers within the Panels-track
- Author of Computing, Education, and Capitalism within the Birds of a Feather-track
- Author of Integrating Critical Analysis of Society and Technology into K-12 Computing Through Teacher Co-Design within the Lightning Talks-track
- Author of Supporting the Integration of Social Justice Topics within K-12 Computing Education within the Panels-track
- Author of Teamwork in CS1: Student Learning and Experience with POGIL within the Papers-track
- Author of Community Embedded Computing Education: Shaping Young People’s Perceptions of Self-confidence and Personal Expression with Computer Science in a Youth Boxing Gym within the Papers-track
- Author of How K-12 CS Teachers Conceptualize CS Ethics: Future Opportunities and Barriers to Ethics Integration in K-12 CS within the Papers-track