/ Anthony Robins

Registered user since Fri 15 May 2020
Name:Anthony Robins
Anthony Robins is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Otago, New Zealand. He is Co-editor of the Cambridge Handbook of Computing Education Research, an Associate Editor of the journal Computer Science Education, and Program Co-chair for ICER 2019 and 2020. He has worked for the Ministry of Education on new programming assessment standards and related instructional materials for secondary schools, and is the recipient of a national award for Sustained Excellence in Tertiary Teaching. In his spare time he is Secretary and Chief Judge for Robotics Education NZ, which runs annual RoboCup Junior robotics / programming competitions for schools in regions all around New Zealand.
Country:New Zealand
Affiliation:University of Otago
Personal website:
Research interests:Computing Education, Neural Networks
- Session Chair of Keynote (part of Plenary)
- Session Chair of Conference opening (part of Plenary)
- Program Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
- Program Co-Chair in Program Committee within the Research Papers-track
- Co-chair of Award Session within the Plenary-track
- Session Chair of Closing Award Session (part of Plenary)
- Co-chair of Conference opening within the Plenary-track