Registered user since Tue 16 Aug 2016
My Scheme biography
I’ve been hacking Scheme since 1984, when I took 6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) under Prof. Sussman. In graduate school, I was heading teaching assistant for 6.001 twice and a regular TA once.
I did my bachelor’s thesis with Prof. Sussman and my master’s thesis with Prof. Abelson, and was in their research group through 1993.
I’ve made contributions to MIT Scheme over the years.
I lurked on the R5RS mailing list, participated in one of the final IEEE Scheme standardization meetings in person, participated quite a bit in R6RS, was an editor of R7RS Small, and have been participating in the R7RS Large working group.
I have been editor of SRFI, the Scheme Requests for Implementation, since 2015.
Like many Schemers, I’m working on my own implementation of the language.