/ Avelino Zorzo
Registered user since Fri 31 Jan 2020
Name:Avelino Zorzo
Avelino Francisco Zorzo received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Newcastle University, U.K., in 1999. In 2012, he joined the Cybercrime and Computer Security Centre, Newcastle University, where he held a Postdoctoral position. He was the Dean of the Faculty of Informatics, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, where he is currently a full-time Professor. His main research topics include software testing, security, fault tolerance, and operating systems. He was the Education Director of the Brazilian Computer Society. He is also a Coordinator of professional postgraduate accreditation with the Ministry of Education, Brazil.
Affiliation:Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS
Personal website:
Research interests:Penetration Testing, Model-based Testing, Security