/ Christopher Lynnly Hovey

Registered user since Tue 7 Mar 2023
Name:Christopher Lynnly Hovey
Dr. Christopher Lynnly Hovey is a Research Scientist for NCWIT at the University of Colorado Boulder. Chris conducts research, develops resources, and consults with undergraduate and graduate computing programs to help them identify and address systemic barriers for student success. Chris’s research also investigates mechanisms for effectively increasing faculty adoption of pedagogical and curricular innovations in computer science higher education. Chris also serves as the evaluator and project support for BridgeUP STEM at Georgia Tech, a program intended to promote career pathways into computing for high school- and college-aged students.
Country:United States
Affiliation:NCWIT | University of Colorado Boulder
Personal website:
Research interests:CS Education
- Author of How Do I Get People to Use My Ideas? Lessons from Successful Innovators in CS Education within the Papers-track
- Author of Advice for Building Recruiting Pipelines from High School to College: BridgeUP STEM Program within the Panels-track
- Author of Engaging with Identity, Inclusion, & Intersectionality: Videos that Spark Conversations within the Special Sessions-track
- Author of How do Computing Students Perceive Social Presence in Synchronous Remote v. In-Person Courses within the Posters-track