Eduardo Fernandes

Registered user since Thu 29 Mar 2018

Name:Eduardo Fernandes

Award-winning early career professor of Computer Science/Software Engineering. PhD in Informatics, MSc & BS in Computer Science. Assistant Professor of the Computing and Informatics Department (FCI) at Mackenzie Presbyterian University (UPM), Alphaville Campus. Former Invited Professor of the Lato Sensu Digital Postgraduate Program at UPM, Professor at UNICESUSC/Brazil and at UFMS/Brazil, Assistant Professor at SDU/Denmark, Postdoc at QUEENSU/Canada and at UFMG/Brazil, and Visiting Scholar at NCL/United Kingdom. Former Software Engineering Intern at Petrobras (a Fortune Global 500 company), at SUS (the largest government-run healthcare system), and at GOVBR (a large public management company in Brazil).

Affiliation:Mackenzie Presbyterian University
Research interests:empirical software engineering, software quality, continuous integration, and information systems.
