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Registered user since Mon 22 Feb 2021

Name:Filipe Santana da Silva

Deputy Head and Professor of the Exact and Applied Social Sciences Department (DECESA), Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre (UFSCPA). Professor of the Nursing Professional Grad Course. PhD (2016) in Computer Science from the Computer Science Grad Program of Informatics Center (CIn), Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). MSc (2012) in Computer Science from the Computer Science Grad Program of the CIn/UFPE. BSc in Biology (Parasitology) (2009) from the Biological Sciences Institute (ICB), Pernambuco University (UPE). Has experience as Telehealth Assessment Team Leader, Telehealth Center (NUTES), Clinics Hospital (HC/UFPE); and, Information and Communication Technology Officer in Health Office from the Ipojuca Municipality (Pernambuco). Currently, my research interests are (but no restricted to): ontologies, reaoning and knowledge representation; Health interoperability standards, electronic health records; and, Health Information Systems.

Affiliation:UFCSPA - Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre
Research interests:Knowledge Representation; Ontology; Infectious Diseases; Telehealth
