Francesco Logozzo

Registered user since Sat 28 Nov 2015

Name:Francesco Logozzo

Francesco Logozzo is a director-level software engineer in the Product Compliance & Privacy team at Meta.

He has received his Ph.D. from Ecole Polytechnique, under the supervision of Dr. Radhia Cousot. From 2006 to 2015 he was a senior researcher at MSR. In 2015 he joined Meta to lead the efforts to build static analysis tools for security at scale.

He has published more 70 academic papers in the main programming languages conferences (POPL, PLDI, OOPSLA, SAS, VMCAI…), gave keynote talks at Academic (VSTT, VMCAI, SAS …) and Industrial conferences (MSFT BUILD, AppSec …) chaired several program committees (SAS, VMCAI…) and served in many many more.

He is the co-recipient of the “2021 IEEE Cybersecurity Award for Practice” for his work on the static analyzer Zoncolan. Overall, static analyzers in the Zoncolan family catch more that 50% of the security bugs at Meta.

Outside work, Francesco enjoys cycling and Opera.

Country:United States
Research interests:Abstract Interpretation, Static Analysis, Compilers, Optimization, Abstract domains, Contracts, Verification, Privacy, Security, Data Lineage
