Registered user since Tue 15 Aug 2023
I am an Associate Professor (Biträdande Professor) of Software Engineering at the Department of Software Engineering at BTH since April 2016. I am the Program Manager of the MSc of Engineering program in Software Development.
I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia (UPV) in 2014. In 2021 I received the Docent degree in Software Engineering from the Blekinge Tekniska Högskola. In addition, I also received my Master’s degree in “Software Engineering, Formal Methods and Information Systems” in 2011, my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science in 2010, and the Engineer degree in Computer Systems Engineering in 1994 all of them from the UPV.
My research interests are mainly (but not limited to): Software Architecture, Software Quality, Asset Management, Asset Degradation, Technical Debt, and Empirical Research in Software Engineering. I have published and presented more than 40 research works in different venues related to the aforementioned research topics; I served as a PC member in different Software Engineering journals, conferences, and workshops (TSE, IST, SQJ, TSC, SoSyM, REJ, SOSYM, TechDebt, Euromicro, Artifacts@ICSE) and I have also been an active member in the organization of several conferences related to Model-Driven Software Development and Software Engineering (MODELS2014, SAM2014, MCETECH2015 and JisBD2010).
- Author of Decentralized Decision-Making and Scaled Autonomy at Spotify within the ESEM Journal-First Papers-track
- Author of Work-From-Home is Here to Stay: Call for Flexibility in Post-Pandemic Work Policies within the ESEM Journal-First Papers-track
- Author of An Initial Theory to Understand and Manage Requirements Engineering Debt in Practice within the ESEM Journal-First Papers-track