Jennifer Alexandra Thompson

Registered user since Thu 17 Nov 2022

Name:Jennifer Alexandra Thompson

I am currently a third-year Ph.D. student studying Computer Science Education topics, under Dr. Sara Hooshangi. I completed my Honours Bachelors in Computer Science (HBSc) at the University of Toronto Mississauga in Spring 2022.

My research is in broadening participation of computing education, with specific regards to how socioeconomic status (SES) impacts a student’s enrollment, performance, retention, and self-efficacy in computing. I am also interested in exploring intersectional disparity gaps in computing. I previously published “The Impact of High School Region Socioeconomic Status on Computer Science Student Performance”, where I estimate SES using a student’s high school area to understand performance gaps in CS1. Future dissertation work will consist of quantative student record analysis, student surveys on SES, then qualitative studies to better understand the trends we are seeing in the population.

Country:United States
Affiliation:Virginia Tech
Research interests:Computer Science Education, Human-Computer Interaction
