Registered user since Sun 25 Aug 2019
Kristian Kersting is a Full Professor (W3) for Machine Learning (ML) at the Computer Science Department of the TU Darmstadt University, Germany. He heads the machine learning lab and is also a Deputy Director of the Centre for Cognitive Science. After receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Freiburg in 2006, he was with the MIT, Fraunhofer IAIS, the University of Bonn, and the TU Dortmund University. His main research interests are statistical relational artificial intelligence (AI), probabilistic programming, and deep probabilistic learning.
Kristian is a Fellow of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (FEurAI), the key European association for AI researchers, and was named a Top 100 Influential Scholar 2018 for Artificial Intelligence by AMiner. He received several best paper (TPM 2019, AIIDE 2015, ECML 2006), outstanding reviewer awards (ECCV 2016, AAAI 2013), a Fraunhofer Attract Research Fellowship with a budget of 2.5 Million Euro over 5 years (2008-2013), and the EurAI (formerly ECCAI) AI Dissertation Award 2006 for the best Ph.D. thesis in the field of Artificial Intelligence in Europe. Kristian gave several tutorials at top AI and Ml conferences, co-chaired several international workshops, and cofounded the international workshop series on Statistical Relational AI (StarAI). He regularly serves on the PC (often at senior level) for several top conference (AAAI, ICML, IJCAI, NeurIPS, UAI, WWW, ICLR, KDD, CVPR and others), is elected PC co-chair of ECML PKDD 2020, was the General Co-Chair of UAI 2018, and co-chaired the scientific program committees (PC) of UAI 2017 as well as ECML PKDD 2013. He is the founding Speciality Editor-in-Chief for Machine Learning and AI of Frontiers in Big Data, and is (past) action editor of IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), Artificial Intelligence Journal (AIJ), Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DAMI), and Machine Learning Journal (MLJ) as well as on the editorial board of KI, the German AI Journal.