Registered user since Fri 5 May 2017
Master in Physics at the University of Torino cum laude (1970). Full professor of ‘‘Teoria e Applicazioni delle Macchine Calcolatrici’’ at the University of Torino since 31/10/81. Dean of the Computer Science Department of Torino University since 05.
Member of Program Committees of International Conferences and Workshops (Lambda-Calculus and Computer Science Theory, Roma March 75, V CAAP, Lille February 80, VII CAAP, Lille March 82, V ISP, Torino April 82, IX CAAP, Bordeaux March 84, VI ISP, Toulose April 84, XI CAAP, Nice March 86, STACS 87, Passau February 87, III LICS, Edinburgh July 88, XVI ICALP, Stresa July 89 (Co-chairman), XVI CAAP, Rennes March 92, TLCA’93, Utrecht March 93, CSL’94, Kazimierz September 94, TLCA’95, Edinburgh April 95 (Chairman), TLCA’97, Nancy April 97, TACS’97, Sendai September 97, LICS’99, Trento July 99, FCT’99, Iasi August 99, FOSSACS’00, Berlin March 00, CATS’01, Brisbane January 01, FOSSACS’01, Genova April 01, RTA’01, Utrecht May 01, TOSCA’01, Udine November 01, PPDP’02, Pittsburgh October 02, ESOP’03, Warsaw April 03, MFCS ’03, Bratislava August 03, ICTCS’03, Bertinoro October 03, ESOP’04, Barcelona April 04, WoLLIC ’04, Paris July 04, EXPRESS’04, London September 04, RTA’05, Nara April 05, DCM’05, Lisbon July 05, ICFP’05, Tallin September 05, EXPRESS’05, San Francisco August 05, WIT’05, Toulouse October 05, MFPS’06, Genova May 06, ICALP’06, Venice July 06, DCM’06, Venice July 06, SecReT’06, Venice July 06, DCM’07, Wroclaw July 07 (Co-Chair), TCS’08, Milano September 08, MeCBIC’08, Iasi September 08, ESOP’09, York March 09, FMOODS/FORTE’10, Amsterdam June 10, PPDP’10, Castle Hagenberg July 10, ITRS’10, Edinburgh July 10, DCM’10, Edinburgh July 10, HOR’10, Edinburgh July 10, AMCA-POP’10, Jena August 10, TCS’10, Brisbane September 10, ISCIS’10, London September 10, ISCIS’11, London September 11, DCM’12, Cambridge June 12, CSL’12, Fontainebleau September 12, ICFP’12, Copenhagen September 12, BEAT’13, Rome January 13, LATA’13, Bilbao April 13, LICS’13, New Orleans June 13, FORTE/FMOODS’13, Florence June 13, ECOOP’13, Montpellier July 13, ICTS’13, Palermo September 13, ISCIS’13, Paris October 13, LATA’14, Madrid March 14, ENASE’14, Lisbon April 14, TGC’14, Roma September 14, ICTCS’14, Perugia September 14, ISCIS’14, Krakow October 14, ENASE’15, Barcelona April 15, LICS’15, Kyoto July 15, ENASE’16, Rome April 16, FSCD’16, Porto June 16, ICTCS’16, Lecce September 16, ISCIS’16, Krakow October 16, ENASE’17, Porto April 17, FORTE’17, Neuchatel June 17, PPDP’17, Namur October 17, OOPSLA’17, Vancouver October 17, ENASE’18, Madeira March 18, FoSSaCS’18, Thessaloniki April 18, DCM’18, Oxford July 18, FTfJP’18, Amsterdam July 18), teacher of Postdoctoral Schools (Lambda-calcul et semantique formelle, La Chatre May 78, Reduction Machines, Ustica September 85, Logic and Computation, Edinburgh Aprile ’99, Deduction and Theorem Proving, Edinburgh Aprile ’00, Understanding COMPLEXITY and CONCURRENCY through TOPOLOGY of DATA, Camerino, July 15) invited speaker to International Conferences and Workshops (Logic Colloquium 82, Firenze August 82, VIII CAAP, L’Aquila March 83, IX Latin American Symposium on Mathematical Logic, Bahia Blanca August 92, Logic Colloquium 96, San Sebastian July 96, Theory of Types and Proofs, Tokyo August 97, ICTCS’98, Prato November 98, TLCA’99, L’Aquila April 99, CATS’00, Canberra January 00, ITRS’00, Ginevra July 00, BT’01, Creta July 01, RPC’01, Sendai October 01, AAL’02, Canberra November 02, HOR’04, Aachen May 04, MFCS’04, Prague August 04, Modern Uses of Lambda Calculus, Bern October 04, Marisa Zilli Day, Rome February 05, Security and Privacy Day, Hoboken November 05, Processes, Terms and Cycles: Steps on the Road to Infinity, Amsterdam December 05, Type Theory, Tokyo January 06, INFINITY’06, Amsterdam March 06, Logic, Models and Computer Science, Camerino April 06, IFIP W.G. 2.2, Udine September 06, DisCoTec 07, Cyprus June 07, From Type Theory to Morphologic Complexity: A Colloquium in Honour of Giuseppe Longo, Paris June 07, Reflections on Type Theory, Lambda Calculus, and the Mind: Symposium in honour of Henk Barendregt, Nijmegen December 07, Workshop on Web Services, Business Processes and Infrastructure, London February 08, Colloquium in Honour of Pierre Lescanne, Nancy May 08, Logic Colloquium, Berne July 08, WS-FM, Bologna September 09, WFLP, Madrid January 10, TGC’11, Aachen September 11, Workshop in Honour of Antonino Salibra, Paris July 13, MatthewFest, Lucca October 14, FbB60, Eindhoven June 16).
Promotor or Co-promotor of the Ph.D. thesis of Felice Cardone, Fabio Alessi, Steffen van Bakel, Franco Barbanera, Adriana Compagnoni, Luigi Liquori, Viviana Bono, Stefania Lusin, Yoko Motohama, Pablo Garralda, Elena Giachino, Livio Bioglio, Svetlana Jaksic.
EATCS Fellow in 15.
Member of IFIP W.G.2.2 on ‘‘Formal Description of Programming Concepts’’ since 1/6/84.
Member of the Editorial Board of ‘‘Information and Computation’’ since 1991.
Member of the Editorial Board of ‘‘The Computer Journal’’ since 11.
Book Review Editor of “The Computer Journal” from 00 to 10.
Member of the ‘‘Academia Europaea’’ since 1994.
Member of the ASL Executive Committee from 05 to 08.
Member of LICS Advisory Board from 1997 to 03.
Member of the EATCS Council from 1998 to 05 (member of EATCS since 1972).
Co-ordinator of the IP since 1999.
Chair of the Steering Committee of TLCA from 05 to 11 (member since 1993, honorary advisor from 14).
Member of the Steering Committee of ITRS since 1999.
Member of the Steering Committee of DCM since 07.
President of the Italian Chapter of EATCS from 1998 to 03 (member since 1988).
Member of the Editorial Board of Scientific Annals of Computer Science since 07.
The 60th Birthday has been celebrated at ICTCS’07
The 70th Birthday has been celebrated at TLT17.