Mauricio Sousa

Registered user since Wed 26 Jan 2022

Name:Mauricio Sousa

Mauricio Sousa is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Dynamic Project Lab at the University of Toronto. He researches, designs, and evaluates novel technologies and techniques for humans to interact with digital content and with each other. His research focuses on 3D and spatial user interfaces, virtual and tangible remote collaboration, mixed reality, fabrication, and actuated tangible interfaces applied to Human-Computer Interaction. He has authored peer-reviewed publications on top-tier international conferences and journals, such as ACM CHI, ACM UIST, ACM ISS, ACM IUI, ACM VRST, IEEE VR, Elsevier IJHCS, and IEEE TVCG. He served on the organizing committee for ACM ISS 2020 and IEEE VR 2021, and he is currently part of IEEE VR 2022’s organizing committee.

Affiliation:University of Toronto



ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS)