Muhammad Osama

Registered user since Fri 7 Jul 2023

Name:Muhammad Osama

Muhammad Osama is a Member of Technical Staff (MTS) Software Development Engineer at AMD Research group. He received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Davis. During his PhD, Muhammad focused on GPU load-balancing for dense and sparse workloads. He has also led several successful projects such as Gunrock, a GPU graph analytics library, and has been a part of DARPA’s HIVE (a sparse computation accelerator) and SDH (Software Defined Hardware) projects. Prior to his PhD, he graduated from the University of Washington, Seattle, with a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering. His current research interests include parallel programming, programming systems and abstractions, load-balancing for parallel architectures, modern C++, graph processing, and graphics. During his spare time, Muhammad loves to paint, hike, and play competitive video games.

Country:United States
Research interests:GPU, GPGPU, Load-Balancing, Graph Analytics, Sparse-Linear Algebra
