Nery Chapeton-Lamas

Registered user since Fri 20 Oct 2023

Name:Nery Chapeton-Lamas

Nery Chapetón-Lamas, MsC, is a Chicano, first-generation college student, son of Mexican and Guatemalan immigrants, and tenured instructional faculty member in Computer Science (CS) at MiraCosta Community College in Oceanside, CA. He is committed to exploring and implementing culturally sustaining pedagogy in his CS classroom and fostering a more equitable department culture to address the inequities he experienced in STEM. Nery earned his B.S in Computer Science & Engineering from UC Irvine and Master’s degree in CS from the University of Iowa. He co-advises the Empowering Chicanx and Latinx in Exploring STEM (EChALE STEM) and Computer Science for the Common Good (CSCG) clubs, empowering minoritized students in STEM fields and building community like the ones that helped him survive in higher education. His other CS interests include embedded systems, computer security, and mobile app development. He spends his breaks with family, gardening, baking, working on Raspberry Pi/Arduino projects, playing video games, and reading comic books.

Country:United States
Affiliation:MiraCosta College
Personal website:
Research interests:CS Ed, Culturally Sustaining CS, Decolonizing CS
