/ Sabiha Salma

Registered user since Wed 15 Nov 2023
Name:Sabiha Salma
Sabiha Salma is pursuing her PhD in Computer Science from George Mason University (GMU), Virginia. She graduated with her B.Sc. in CS from the Department of Computer Science & Engineering of University of Dhaka (DU), Bangladesh in 2014. Sabiha joined GMU in Fall 2018. Currently she is working in SAGE lab led by Dr. Kevin Moran, Assistant Professor at University of Central Florida (UCF). Sabiha’s research is focused on Automated UI Analysis, HCI Considerations for Developer Tools, and ArtificiaI Intelligence for Software Engineering.
Country:United States
Affiliation:George Mason University
Personal website:
Research interests:Software Engineering, Mobile Software Development, AI for Software Engineering, Machine Learning for Software Engineering, HCI, NLP