Registered user since Mon 18 Jan 2021
Sanjay Misra is full Professor of Computer Engineering at Covenant University (400-500 ranked by THE(2019)) Nigeria. He is PhD. in Inf. & Know. Engg (Software Engg) from the Uni of Alcala, Spain & M.Tech.(Software Engg) from MLN National Institute of Tech, India. As of today(15.07.2020)- As per SciVal(SCOPUS- Elsevier) analysis)- He is the most productive researcher(no.1) https://t.co/fBYnVxbmiL in Nigeria during 2012-17,13-18,14-19 & 15-20 (in all disciplines),in comp science no 1 in the country & no 4 in the whole continent. Total around 400 articles (SCOPUS/WoS) with 300 coauthors from around the world (>100 JCR/SCIE) in the core & appl. area of Soft Engg, Web engg, Health Informatics,Cybersecurity, Intelligent systems, AI etc. He got several awards for outstanding publications (2014 IET Software Premium Award(UK)), and from TUBITAK-Turkish Higher Education, and Atilim University). He has delivered more than 100 keynote/invited talks/public lectures in reputed conferences and institutes (traveled around 60 countries). He got several awards for outstanding publications (2014 IET Soft. Premium Award(UK)), &from TUBITAK-Turkish Higher Education,& Atilim Uni).He edited 49 LNCS, 4 LNEE, 2 CCIS & 9 IEEE proc, 3 books, EIC of ‘IT Personnel and Project Management, Int J of Human Capital & Inf Technology Professionals -IGI Global & editor in various SCIE journals.