Registered user since Wed 15 Sep 2021
Assistant professor in Utrecht University, currently enjoying a 2-year stay in Universitat Politècnica de València. He teaches in the Information Science bachelor and the Master in Business Informatics. PhD in Computer Science from Universitat Politècnica de València. Author of over 80 scientific publications on requirements engineering, conceptual modelling and software for sustainability. His research line on Software for Organisational Responsibility focuses on the software-supported continuous improvement cycle of organisations that aim at increasing their performance in ethical, social and environmental topics. Member of the Spanish Network of Alternative and Solidarity Economy (REAS), of the Economy for the Common Good (ECG, Utrecht local charter), and occasional collaborator of other networks of responsible enterprises. Member of the of the Advisory Committee on Social Balance of the Catalan Network of Solidarity Economy (XES). Member of the Supervisory Board of the foundation Refugee Wellbeing and Integration Initiative.