/ Wonyeol Lee

Registered user since Fri 3 Jul 2015
Name:Wonyeol Lee
Wonyeol Lee is a Postdoctoral Associate at CMU, working with Feras Saad. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University, working under Alex Aiken. During his Ph.D., he also spent time at KAIST for military service, working with Hongseok Yang. Before that, he received a B.S. degree in Computer Science & Mathematics from POSTECH.
His research aims at making continuous computations more reliable and more scalable. Towards this goal, he considers a wide range of continuous computations arising in different areas (e.g., programming languages and machine learning), and studies their correctness and efficiency.
Country:United States
Affiliation:Carnegie Mellon University
Personal website:
Research interests:Continuous Computations, Programming Languages, Machine Learning