Xenofontas Dimitropoulos

Registered user since Wed 18 Mar 2015

Name:Xenofontas Dimitropoulos

Xenofontas Dimitropoulos is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department of the University of Crete. In addition, he is affiliated with the Institute of Computer Science of the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH) and with ETH Zurich. He leads a group doing cutting-edge research on software defined networks and Internet measurements with the overarching goal of making the Internet more reliable and secure. He graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology and has also worked in the IBM Zurich Research Labs and the University of California San Diego. He has published more than 60 papers and has won 2 best paper awards and 3 patents. In addition, he has received prestigious grants from the European Research Council, the Marie Curie and the Fulbright programs. He serves regularly in committees of top conferences like in ACM SIGCOMM 2014.

Affiliation:University of Crete & FORTH
Research interests:Internet Measurements, Software Defined Networks
