Registered user since Wed 3 May 2017
Elisabetta Di Nitto is Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano. Elisabetta’s expertise lies in the area of software engineering and, in particular, of large-scale, open, service-oriented systems with a special attention to the techniques to make these systems self-adaptable to the changes in the environment and in the performances of its distributed components, and to enable them to identify and incorporate new components at runtime. Recently, she has been focusing on supporting the development, deployment and operation of data-intensive applications and on Cloud Computing and, in particular, on how to design applications that can run on multiple clouds in order to limit vendor lock-in and to increase availability and reliability of such applications. Currently, she is focusing on quantum computing and on how to exploit it to support the development of complex systems. Elisabetta has published more than 150 papers in journals and in the proceedings of the most important conferences in the area of software engineering.
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