Registered user since Mon 9 Feb 2015
Name:Kim Bruce
Kim Bruce is Reuben C. and Eleanor Winslow Professor of Computer Science at Pomona College as well as well as Frederick Latimer Wells emeritus Professor of Computer Science at Williams College. He is the author of Foundations of Object-Oriented Language from MIT Press and co-author of Java: An Eventful Approach from Prentice-Hall. He received the 2005 SIGCSE award for Outstanding Contributions to Computer Science Education. His current research blends his interests in programming languages and education with work on the design of the Grace programming language with Andrew Black and James Noble.
Country:United States
Affiliation:Pomona College
Personal website: http://www.cs.pomona.edu/~kim/
Research interests:Object oriented languages, type systems
- Static & Dynamic Typing in Grace
- Teaching programming with Grace at Portland State
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the GRACE 2018-track
- Committee Member in Organizing Committee within the GRACE 2018-track
- Session Chair of Types in Grace (part of GRACE 2018)
- Early Experience with Grace at Pomona College
SPLASH 2018-profile
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