GPCE 2015
Mon 26 - Tue 27 October 2015 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
co-located with SPLASH 2015
Lars Bak

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Name:Lars Bak

Lars Bak is a software engineer at Google and a veteran virtual machinist. He co-designed the Dart programming language with Kasper Lund and has spend the last five years making making Dart an effective programming platform. His passion for designing and implementing object-oriented programming languages started in 1986 when implementing a runtime system for Beta. Since then, Lars has left marks on several software systems: Self, Strongtalk, JVM HotSpot, JVM CLDC HI, OOVM Smalltalk, V8, and lately Dart. Lars graduated from Aarhus University in 1988 with a MS degree in computer science.



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