GPCE 2015
Mon 26 - Tue 27 October 2015 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
co-located with SPLASH 2015
Walter F. Tichy

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Name:Walter F. Tichy

Walter F. Tichy has been professor of Software Engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (formerly University of Karlsruhe), Germany, since 1986, and was dean of the faculty of computer science from 2002 to 2004. Previously, he was senior scientist at Carnegie Group, Inc., in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and served six years on the faculty of Computer Science at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. His primary research interests are software engineering and parallelism. He is currently concentrating on empirical software engineering, tools and languages for multicore computers, and making programming more accessible by using natural language for programming. He earned an M.S. and a PhD in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University in 1976 and 1980, resp. He is director at the Forschungszentrum Informatik, a technology transfer institute in Karlsruhe. He is co-founder of ParTec, a company specializing in cluster computing. He has helped organize numerous conferences and workshops. He received the Intel Award for the Advancement of Parallel Computing in 2009. Dr. Tichy is a fellow of the ACM and a member of GI and the IEEE Computer Society. Contact him at

Affiliation:Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


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