ICFP/SPLASH 2025 (series) / Jihyeok Park

Registered user since Tue 17 Sep 2024
Name:Jihyeok Park
Jihyeok Park is an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Informatics, Korea University. My main research topic is programming languages and software engineering, including program analysis, mechanized specification, program synthesis, and automated testing. I’m also leading an open-source project, ESMeta, which is a framework that extracts a mechanized specification from a given version of ECMAScript specification (ECMA-262) and automatically generates language-based tools.
Country:South Korea
Affiliation:Korea University
Personal website: https://park.jihyeok.site/
GitHub: https://github.com/jhnaldo
Research interests:Mechanized Specification, JavaScript Static Analysis, Differential Testing, and Parsing Expression Grammar
Static Analysis Symposium
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