ICFP/SPLASH 2025 (series) / Michael Sperber

Registered user since Fri 26 Feb 2016
Name:Michael Sperber
Mike Sperber is CEO of Active Group, a software consultancy in Tübingen, Germany that develops software for client projects using functional programming. He has a long history of publishing on functional programming, including many research papers, and was the project editor for the R6RS standard for the Scheme programming language. He has also developed an introductory course in programming in use at several German universities, based on the PLT group’s Program by Design approach. He also co-authored (with Nicole Rauch and Lars Hupel) the curriculum on Functional Software Architecture for iSAQB.
Affiliation:Active Group GmbH
Personal website: http://www.deinprogramm.de/sperber/
Research interests:functional programming, art
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