ICPC 2019
Sat 25 - Sun 26 May 2019 Montreal, QC, Canada
co-located with ICSE 2019
Michael Whalen

Registered user since Mon 31 Oct 2016

Name:Michael Whalen

Dr. Michael Whalen is the Director of the University of Minnesota Software Engineering Center. Dr. Whalen is interested in formal analysis, language translation, testing, and requirements engineering. He has developed simulation, translation, testing, and formal analysis tools for Model-Based Development languages including Simulink, Stateflow, SCADE, and RSML-e, and has published more than 60 papers on these topics. He has led successful formal verification projects on large industrial avionics models, including displays (Rockwell-Collins ADGS-2100 Window Manager), redundancy management and control allocation (AFRL CerTA FCS program) and autoland (AFRL CerTA CPD program). He has recently been researching tools and techniques for scalable compositional analysis, testing and system image generation from system architectural models for quadcopters and large-scale autonomous helicopters.

Country:United States
Affiliation:University of Minnesota
Research interests:Model Checking, Testing, Requirements


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