ICPC 2023
Mon 15 - Tue 16 May 2023 Melbourne, Australia
co-located with ICSE 2023
Emmanuel Iko-Ojo Simon

Registered user since Wed 12 Apr 2023

Name:Emmanuel Iko-Ojo Simon

Iko-Ojo is a PhD student under the supervision of Dr Melina Vidoni, at the Australian National University, in the CECC School of Computing, with Dr Fatemeh Fard from University of British Columbia, Canada as Co-Advisor. His main research interests are Technical debt, Software Engineering when applied to scientific software and Machine Learning. He is currently working on Algorithm Debt in  Scientific Software - A recently uncovered Technical Debt prevalent in performance-critical and algorithm-intensive projects (e.g., Deep Learning frameworks), used to support other works.

Affiliation:Australian National University
Research interests:Software Engineering, Technical Debt, Scientific Software, Machine Learning


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