/ Johan Cederbladh

Registered user since Mon 16 Oct 2023
Name:Johan Cederbladh
Johan has a master’s degree in dependable aeronautical systems engineering from Mälardalen University, Sweden. He is currently a Ph.D. student at Mälardalen University, where his current research is focused on early stages of MBSE development. His research is applied at Volvo Construction Equipment where he is involved in several pilot projects for MBSE. His research interests include System Architecture, Co-simulation, DevOps, Early validation, etc.
Affiliation:Mälardalen university
Research interests:MBSE, Architecture, Co-simulation, Early validation, DevOps
- Author of Automation Support for System Simulation and Architecture Layout Design in Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering within the SAM Conference-track
- Author of Extending MagicGrid to Support Virtual Prototyping for Early System Performance Validation and Verification within the SAM Conference-track