/ Julian Frattini

Registered user since Wed 12 Aug 2020
Name:Julian Frattini
Affiliation:Blekinge Institute of Technology
Research interests:Requirements Quality, Natural Language Processing
Requirements Engineering
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ)
- Co-chair of Managing Scientific Theories in Empirical Software Engineering: A Framework to effectively manage Empirical Evidence Meta-Data within the ISERN-track
- Student Volunteer Co-Chair in Contacts within the ESEM Student Volunteers-track
- Session Chair of Empirical studies for programming languages challenges (part of ESEM Technical Papers)
- Student Volunteer Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
- Author of Crossover Designs in Software Engineering Experiments: Review of the State of Analysis within the ESEM Emerging Results, Vision and Reflection Papers Track-track
Requirements Engineering
- Author of Requirements quality research: a harmonized theory, evaluation, and roadmap within the Journal-First-track
- Author of Measuring the Fitness-for-Purpose of Requirements: An initial Model of Activities and Attributes within the RE@Next! Papers-track
- Publicity Chair in Organizing Committee
- Author of An initial Model of Requirements-affected Activities and their Attributes within the Artifacts-track
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ)
- PC Member in Programme Committee within the Research Track-track
- Session Chair of NLP for RE (R8) (part of Research Track)
- Proceedings Chair in Organizing Committee
- Discussant of How Explainable is your System? Towards a Quality Model for Explainability within the Research Track-track
- Presenter of Identifying relevant Factors of Requirements Quality: an industrial Case Study within the Research Track-track