Luigia Petre

Registered user since Mon 5 Dec 2022

Name:Luigia Petre

LUIGIA PETRE is an Associate Professor in Computer Science at Åbo Akademi University in Turku, Finland. Her research interests lie in Formal Methods, e.g. Event-B, Pro-B, Dafny and TLA+. She has also delved into machine learning and gravitational waves, and more recently became interested in teaching methods for some of these topics. She teaches Software Quality, System Safety as well as Tools for Reliable Software Construction (focused on Dafny). She is involved in two COST Actions, one on Formal Methods (EuroProofNet) and the other on machine learning and gravitational waves (g2net) and is leading the FME’s Teaching Committee. Luigia was born in Romania.

Affiliation:Åbo Akademi University
Research interests:Formal Methods, Machine Learning, Teaching Methods
