/ Mahmoud Khaled

Registered user since Wed 30 Jan 2019
Name:Mahmoud Khaled
Mahmoud Khaled is an PhD student in the Hybrid Control Systems group, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) since April 2016. Most of his prior work targeted efficient HW/SW implementations of embedded control systems using various computing platforms. His current research spans: (1) Formal Methods in System Design/Synthesis; (2) Cyber-Physical Systems (embedded control systems, real-time systems, and networked control systems); and (3) HW/GPGPU-based acceleration of the synthesis/implementation of embedded controllers.
Affiliation:TU Munich
Personal website:
Research interests:Formal Methods in System Design/Synthesis, Cyber-Physical Systems, HW/GPGPU-based acceleration