Manuel I. Capel

Registered user since Fri 24 Nov 2023

Name:Manuel I. Capel

Manuel I. Capel Tuñón is Full Professor in the Software Engineering Department (Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos) at the University of Granada (Spain) since 2009. He received his PhD in the Sciences Faculty (Informatics) in 1992 (Cum Laude unanimously from the Examining Board) and Visiting Researcher at Michigan State University (USA) in 2002 with a NATO-Science scholarship and in 2008 with a Stay of Excellence of Junta de Andalucía, the total duration of the research stay was 10 months. He is currently the head investigator of the research group named “Concurrent Systems” (TIC157, of the Plan Andaluz de Investigación and was PR of two research projects funded by the National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation (Ministerio de Ciencia, Spain). He actively participated in 11 more projects, among those, one project funded in 2010 by the National Health Institute (USA) stands out. His research interests mainly focus on the study of isomorphism between the formal modeling of real-time systems and that of other systems that also need of the formalization of temporal restrictions, such as social systems, biological systems and methods for obtaining energy efficiency based on the prediction of consumption with variable time granularity. Derived from his research work he has published more than 90 papers, mainly in the research field of Computer Science-Theory and Methods in scientific and professional journals during his career as investigator, among them there are 22 papers published in JCR journals (9 eight of which are in the first tertile), 10 chapters in peer-review books, 2 editorships, and 42 international conferences and workshop papers. Some of these publications are co-authored with acknowledged researchers in international and national universities. Globally, the works of prof. Manuel I. Capel have received 312 citations and have an h-index of 9 (Google Scholar) . The CNEAI (National Evaluation Commission of Research Activity in Spain) has recognised him 4 six-year research-periods of consolidated investigation. In addition to all of the above, Prof. Manuel I. Capel is a member of the editorial committee of several scientific journals: Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier (1084-8045), Manufacturing Engineering (1335-7972) and has promoted the publication of the magazine in the UGr: "Annals of Multicore and GPU Programming "(2341-3158), of which he is currently chief co-editor. He is member of the ACM and ATI (Asociación Técnicos de Informática) since 1999.

Affiliation:University of Granada
Research interests:Concurrent and real time programming languages and paradigms
