/ Mirko Viroli
Registered user since Thu 12 Oct 2017
Name:Mirko Viroli
Mirko Viroli is Full Professor in Computer Engineering at the University of Bologna, Italy. He is an expert in foundations of computer science and programming, object-oriented programming, advanced software development, software engineering and self-adaptive/self-organising pervasive computing systems. He is author of more than 300 papers, of which more than 80 on international journals. His GoogleScholar h-index is 49 with >8500. He is member of the Editorial Board of IEEE Software magazine, and was program chair of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2008 and 2009), and IEEE Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing systems (SASO 2014) conferences.
Affiliation:Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
Personal website:
Research interests:Self-adaptive and self-organising systems, software engineering, programming languages, formal methods
- Author of Flexible Self-organisation for the Cloud-Edge Continuum: a Macro-programming Approach within the Main Track-track
- Committee Member in Steering Committee
- Author of Opportunistic Fully-Distributed Federated Learning within the Main Track-track
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the Main Track-track
- Tutorial Chair in Organizing Committee
- Tutorial Chair in Tutorials Committee within the Tutorials-track
- Author of Self-Organisation Programming: A Functional Reactive Macro Approach within the Artifacts-track
- Author of Programming (and Learning) Self-Adaptive & Self-Organizing Behaviour with ScaFi: for Swarms, Edge-Cloud Ecosystems, and More within the Tutorials-track
- Committee Member in Steering Committee
- Author of Field-informed Reinforcement Learning of Collective Tasks with Graph Neural Networks within the Main Track-track
- Author of Field-informed Reinforcement Learning of Collective Tasks with Graph Neural Networks within the Artifacts-track
- Author of Self-Organisation Programming: A Functional Reactive Macro Approach within the Main Track-track
- Author of Addressing Collective Computations Efficiency: Towards a Platform-level Reinforcement Learning Approach within the Main Track-track
- Author of Addressing Collective Computations Efficiency: Towards a Platform-level Reinforcement Learning Approach within the Artifacts-track
- Committee Member in Steering Committee
- Author of Self-stabilising Priority-Based Multi-Leader Election and Network Partitioning within the Main Track-track
- Author of Self-stabilising Priority-Based Multi-Leader Election and Network Partitioning within the Artifacts-track