Registered user since Mon 21 May 2018
I am currently working as a software developer at GoTo. I have a PhD in Computer Science from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) and a bachelor in Computer Science from the State University of Maringá (UEM). I have over 12 years of computer science experience, 6 of which were dedicated to teaching at IFPR. I worked on research, development and consulting projects at the Software Engineering Laboratory at PUC-RIO (LES). I also worked as a developer at HSBC GLT, Objective Solutions and Cwork Sistemas. As an academic, I conduct research in the field of Software Engineering, focusing on the following topics: Software Architecture and Design, Code Smells, Refactoring, Empirical Software Engineering and Search-Based Software Engineering. In my PhD, I worked on a technique to assist developers in identifying and removing design problems that occur when quality attributes are negatively impacted. During my MSc and Ph.D. I had the opportunity to publish papers in prestigious conferences and journals, such as ICSE (2016, 2018), MSR (2020, 2021), IEEE Software (2022), IST (2020), SCICO (2019), ICSME (2020), SPLC (2014), ESEM (2019), ISSRE (2019), and ICPC (2019, 2020). In 2016, my MSc research was awarded as the third best computer science dissertation of the Brazilian Contest of Theses and Dissertations.
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