Three types of awards and corresponding nomination forms:
- Most Influential Paper Award
- Nominate for
- Nominate for
- MOBILESoft Rising Star Award
- Nominate for
Rising Star
- Nominate for
- MOBILESoft Service Award
- Nominate for
- Nominate for
Each award will have a slightly different approach.
MOBILESoft 2023 Most Influential Paper Award
For this first award, we will create a short list of candidate papers (finalists), make the list of finalist papers public, then ask members of a voting committee to vote on the award.
The papers for this award must have been published at least 5 years prior to the award but not more than 10 years prior. That is, for 2023, the paper should have been published in MOBILESoft 2018 or prior. This covers exactly the first 5 years of the event. All full research papers from each event year are eligible for the award.
The finalist papers will be determined through nomination by the program committee chairs of the relevant years’ conference editions. The PC chair(s) of each eligible edition year will be asked to nominate a small number of papers from that conference year (not more than 2 or 3 papers per year) based on their impact after the conference. The impact can be measured in a variety of ways but is hopefully somewhat more nuanced than only citation count. Each nominated paper should be associated with a one sentence justification for the nomination.
The voting committee will consist of the MOBILESoft 2023 Program Committee members and the MOBILESoft 2023 Organizing Committee members. Any PC or OC member with an obvious conflict of interest will be excluded from the committee (this includes, obviously, authors of nominated papers, but also advisees and advisors of authors of nominated papers, and close collaborators of authors of nominated papers).
Each of the nominated papers will be profiled on the MOBILESoft social media accounts in the period between the public announcement of the finalists and the beginning of voting (i.e., in the month of February).
The author(s) of the winning paper will be invited to give a 45-minute presentation at the conference on the work and what has become of it since its initial publication.
Important Dates:
- January 15, 2023 – Nominations due
- January 31, 2023 – Voting committee established
- February 1, 2023 – Finalists announced
- March 1, 2023 – Voting begins
- March 15, 2023 – Winners announced
MOBILESoft 2023 Rising Star Award
This award is meant to recognize a young researcher within the MOBILESoft community. The recipient of this award should be within 5 years of receiving their highest university degree and they have made outstanding research contributions to the field of mobile software engineering during and since their studies.
Nominations for the award will be open – self-nominations are allowed and encouraged as are nominations from advisors, collaborators, or any other members of the community.
The nomination form will require:
- the nominee’s full name and current affiliation
- details of the nominee’s highest degree awarded, including institution and date
- contact information for the nominee
- contact information for the nominator (if not a self-nomination)
- a short justification of the rationale for the nomination
- a list of items of evidence for the nomination (can include but is not limited to – citations of relevant publications, links to software products, etc.)
When the nomination period closes, an awards committee will be established. This committee will consist of 5 individuals who will review the nomination materials and select the winner and a runner-up. The committee will be selected to ensure geographic diversity, familiarity with the MOBILESoft community, a diversity of research topics within the general field of mobile software engineering, and, importantly, a lack of conflicts of interest with the nominees.
The winner of this award will be invited to give a 30 minute “mini-keynote” presentation during MOBILESoft 2023.
Important Dates:
- January 15, 2023 – Nominations due
- January 31, 2023 – Awards committee established
- March 1, 2023 – Winners announced
MOBILESoft Service Award
This award is meant to recognize outstanding service to the MOBILESoft community. The winner of this award should have contributed regularly and substantially over the preceding 10 years to the organization and success of the MOBILESoft conference.
Nominations for the award will be open – self-nominations are allowed and encouraged as are nominations from any other members of the community.
The nomination form will require:
- the nominee’s full name and current affiliation
- contact information for the nominee
- contact information for the nominator (if not a self-nomination)
- a statement of the justification of the rationale for the nomination
Important Dates:
- January 15, 2023 – Nominations due
- January 31, 2023 – Awards committee established
- February 15, 2023 – Winners announced
- Most Influential Paper Award: Luis Cruz and Rui Abreu
Performance-Based Guidelines for Energy Efficient Mobile Applications
Rising Star Award: Kevin Moran
Service Award: Henry Muccini