Sun 5 - Fri 10 October 2025 Michigan, United States
Jean-Marc Jézéquel

Registered user since Tue 19 Sep 2017

Name:Jean-Marc Jézéquel

Jean-Marc Jézéquel is a Professor of Software Engineering at the University of Rennes and a member of the DiverSE team at IRISA/Inria, as well as a fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF). Since 2024 he is President of Informatics Europe. From 2012 to 2020 he was Director of IRISA, one of the largest public research lab in Informatics in France. In 2016 he received the Silver Medal from CNRS and in 2020 the IEEE/ACM MODELS career award. He was an invited professor at McGill University in 2022.

His interests include model driven software engineering for software product lines, and specifically component based, dynamically adaptable systems with quality of service constraints, including security, reliability, performance, timeliness etc. He is the author of 4 books and of more than 300 publications in international journals and conferences. He was a member of the steering committees of the AOSD and MODELS conference series. He is currently Associate Editor in Chief of IEEE Computer and of the Journal on Software and System Modeling, as well as member of the editorial boards of the Journal on Software and Systems, and the Journal of Object Technology. He received an engineering degree from Telecom Bretagne in 1986, and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Rennes, France, in 1989.

Affiliation:Univ Rennes, IUF, INRIA, CNRS, IRISA
Research interests:Software Engineeering, SPL, DSL, MDE


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