EDTconf 2025
Mon 6 - Tue 7 October 2025 Michigan, United States
co-located with MODELS 2025

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The 2nd International Conference on Engineering Digital Twins (EDTconf 2025) will be co-located with MODELS 2025, the ACM / IEEE 28th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems in Michigan USA on Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 October 2025.

Aims and scope

The International Conference on Engineering DTs (EDTconf) aims to bring together researchers and practitioners on DTs, from both academia and industry, and from different engineering disciplines and application domains to shape the future of systematically designing, developing, deploying, evolving, maintaining, and validating DTs.

Digital Twins (DTs) have emerged over the last decade as a key approach to better understand, use, monitor, and improve systems in a broad range of application domains, including agriculture, automotive, avionics, construction, health care, manufacturing, smart cities, and many more. DTs are based on the use of data and models, and their development requires the integration of different technologies for diverse purposes, including design-space exploration, virtual commissioning, and predictive maintenance. Their development is a multi-disciplinary process that requires the collaboration of experts from different disciplines and application domains. This includes software engineers at the core of the DT engineering process to architect, develop, deploy, test, evolve, and validate the DT software, but also engineers from other engineering disciplines with domain expertise in the specific aspects of the DTs. Even though the use of DT is growing at a fast pace, their development is still generally conducted in an ad hoc manner. The lack of systematic frameworks and approaches represents a main obstacle to the rapid and scalable development of industrial DTs.

Further Information

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