Registered user since Wed 22 Aug 2018
Jaco van de Pol did his PhD research in Utrecht University on rewrite systems, in particular termination of higher-order rewrite systems. At CWI Amsterdam, he published several papers on theorem proving and model checking for concurrent systems in process algebra and contributed to the µCRL toolset. In Twente, he started a new research line on parallel model checking algorithms. This resulted in the LTSmin toolset for high-performance model checking. He worked on applications in embedded systems, safety & security and systems biology.
Jaco van de Pol is now professor of Computer Science at Aarhus University, working on automated verification and synthesis. Publications at Google Scholar and DBLP.
- MSc Utrecht University (supervisor Hans Zantema)
- PhD Utrecht University (supervisor Jan Bergstra)
- Research Assistant LMU Mathematisches Institute Munich (with Helmut Schwichtenberg)
- Postdoc Technical University of Eindhoven (with Jozef Hooman)
- Senior Researcher CWI (1999-2007)
- Associate Professor Technical University of Eindhoven (2004-2007, 20%)
- Professor Formal Methods and Tools at University of Twente (2007-2018; from Nov 2018 10%)
- Professor Computer Science at Aarhus University (from Nov 2018)
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