NWPT 2023 - 34th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (series) / Mohsen Ghaffari

Registered user since Mon 27 Feb 2023
Name:Mohsen Ghaffari
I am a PhD student in Computer Science at the SQUARE group. I have worked on Demand Management in Smart Grids, Shortest Path on Uncertain Networks, Hazard Detector and Healthy Predictor Systems, and Police Patrolling. To this end, I have developed approaches using Multi-Agent reinforcement Learning, Hidden Markov Models, and Game Theory. Recently, I have been interested in the reliability, safety and explainability of Reinforcement Learning. For this reason, I am trying to apply Formal Verification tools, such as Symbolic Execution, in Reinforcement Learning. Right now, I am working on symbolic reinforcement learning.
Affiliation:IT University of Copenhagen
Personal website: https://pure.itu.dk/da/persons/mohsen-ghaffari
X (Twitter): https://x.com/mohsen_gh1992
Research interests:Reinforcement Learning, Formal Methods, Game Theory, Multi-agent Systems
NWPT 2023 - 34th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory -profile
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