Philippe Roose

Registered user since Fri 6 Oct 2023

Name:Philippe Roose

Philippe ROOSE is Full Professor at LIUPPA research lab – E2S, University of Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (France). He is co-inventor of both KalimuchoTM & PISCO platforms (4 Int’l patents). He supervised more than 20 PhD thesis (4 current) and was involved in more than 40 PhD defenses. His works are mainly focuses on green computing, middleware, software architecture, context-aware and autonomic. He strongly believes in multi and pluri-disciplinary research with other computer scientists from semantic web, interactions and interfaces, HPC, design methods, etc. domains but also with other scientists from other disciplinary: historians, anthropologists, geographers, etc.

Affiliation:University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour, E2S, LIUPPA
Research interests:GreenIT, Green Computing, Middleware, Softwqare Architecture, Context-aware
