P. Radha Krishna

Registered user since Sun 14 Jan 2024

Name:P. Radha Krishna

Radha Krishna has been in the profession of research, development, and technology adoption for about Thirty-four years. He is currently working as a Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Warangal. Dr. Krishna is also the CEO and Cofounder of NITminer Technologies, a startup powered by the Department of Computer Science, NIT Warangal, under the Government of India PRAYAS scheme of IIT Bhilai Innovation and Technology Foundation (IBITF). His research interests include data mining, big data, machine learning, deep learning and databases and workflow systems.

Prior to joining NIT, he served as Principal Research Scientist at Infosys Labs, Hyderabad, where he was associated with research projects leading to futuristic intelligent systems and analytical solutions. Krishna conceptualized numerous research projects in the areas of CRM, social network mining, Web, Sequence, text & image mining, e-check clearing and settlement, and financial inclusion, and associated with building innovation labs for leading industries. He also served as adjunct faculty at NIT-Warangal and IIIT-Hyderabad. Dr. Krishna also served as a faculty at the Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT - a research arm of the Reserve Bank of India & an associate Institute of the University of Hyderabad) and as a Scientist at the National Informatics Centre (Govt. of India), Bhopal. At IDRBT, he was an Advisor to many Public and Private Sector Banks in India for the implementation of End-to-End Enterprise-wide Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence solutions. Krishna was also a member of the IT Advisory Committee, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA), India. He has been a member of the research advisory committees of several academic institutes. Also, Dr. Krishna has been a member of the editorial board of international journals and a reviewer of several international journals, including IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Information Sciences, Data and Knowledge Engineering, Information System Frontiers, and Soft Computing.

Krishna has double PhDs – the first one from Osmania University and the second one from IIIT Hyderabad; 20 US PTO granted patents, authored/co-authored six books. He is also a tutorial speaker at several international conferences including ER 2006, ICWS 2007, WWW 2008, IEEE Services 2010, CAiSE 2010, ICSE 2014, ER 2014, DASFAA 2024, ER 2024, CODS-COMAD 2024 and BDA 2024.

Affiliation:National Institute of Technology Warangal
Research interests:Data Mining, Big Data, Multimodal Deep Learning and e(Smart)Contracts and Database Systems
