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SERP4IoT 2021
Thu 3 Jun 2021
co-located with ICSE 2021
Olga Baysal

Registered user since Thu 25 Jan 2018

Name:Olga Baysal

I am an Associate Professor, Acting Director of the Carleton University Institute for Data Science (CUIDS), and a Graduate Director (Admission and Recruitment) at the School of Computer Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.

My research interests span a wide range of software engineering, including empirical software engineering, mining software repositories, data science, data analytics, software analytics, software maintenance and evolution, and human aspects of software engineering. Much of my work focuses on understanding how software engineers create, use, and maintain software systems.

Affiliation:Carleton University
Personal website: http://olgabaysal.com/
Research interests:Empirical software engineering, mining software repositories, machine learning, data science


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